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12/13 samples of To Lich river mud, which is 1km away from Rang Dong sluice gate, have mercury values exceeding 6.1 times the permitted level

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Source: VTV24

According to a report of the General Department of Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), 12/13 samples of sediment, sediment at the monitoring point of To Lich river, far from the sewage collection sewage of Rang Dong Company (Lane 320 Khuong Dinh) ) 1 km has the highest mercury value, exceeding QCVN 43: 2017 / BTNMT 6.1 times.

After the fire and explosion incident at Rang Dong thermos bulb joint-stock company on the evening of August 28 and the morning of August 29, September 6, the General Department of Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) said that through actual inspection On August 31 and the process of fighting with enterprises, the leader of Rang Dong Company admitted that all 480,000 fluorescent lamps were burnt using liquid mercury. The estimated amount of mercury released into the environment is 15.1kg to 27.2kg.

Facing the public concern, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has directed the General Department of Environment to coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to closely monitor the case; direct the Northern Environmental Monitoring Center to monitor, assess the quality of soil, air, water, bottom sediment and ash and ash residues after the incident to assess the residual chemical residues in the Environmental components to propose remedial measures.

From August 30 to September 1, the Northern Environmental Monitoring Center organized monitoring and sampling to analyze and assess the surrounding environment quality, including: air environment (according to mercury routes), water samples flow to the To Lich river, Ha Dinh lakes, Re Quat lake, surrounding soil sample.

In the afternoon of September 5, the Chemical Command sent a task force to the field to take samples to analyze the concentration of chemical pollution caused by the warehouse fire of Rang Dong Light Bulb and Thermos Joint Stock Company. Photo: Dan Tri

Accordingly, there are 1/12 surface water samples with mercury content exceeding QCVN 08-MT: 2015 in surface water quality is 1.3 times at the monitoring point on the To Lich river (away from the Company's sewage collection sewer at lane 320 Khuong Dinh 1.5km). Compared with the standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to which Vietnam is a member, the same result exceeds 1.3 times for the mercury content that affects human health. The remaining monitoring points, the content of mercury in the surface water reach values according to the above-mentioned standards and standards.

There are 1/8 samples of sewage with mercury value exceeding QCVN 40: 2011 / BTNMT of industrial wastewater is 2.76 times at the manholes next to the Led workshop in the Company.

There are 12/13 samples of sediment, bottom sediment with mercury value exceeding QCVN 43: 2017 / BTNMT on sediment quality. The monitoring point at To Lich River, 1 km away from the Company's waste water discharge sewer (lane 320 Khuong Dinh) has the highest mercury value, exceeding the QCVN 43: 2017 / BTNMT 6.1 times.

There is 1 air sample at the monitoring point in the warehouse which was burnt, collapsed, connected to the external air environment with mercury value exceeding QCVN 06: 2009 / BTNMT on some toxic substances in the surrounding air is 1.02 times (24-hour average value).

12/13 samples of To Lich river mud, 1km far from the outlet of Rang Dong Company, have mercury exceeding 6.1 times the permitted level. Photo: Chemical army.

Comparison with WHO recommended standards and standards of the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Monitoring (ATSDR) also results in mercury content at the above location exceeds 1,532 times the risk affects human health.

The General Department of Environment stated that the above observation results only reflect the current state of the environment after 2 to 5 days of the occurrence of an explosion or fire incident. However, during the burning process, most of the mercury in the bulbs was released into the environment along with the smoke and emissions of the fire.

At the time of fire, the amount of mercury and toxic gases have polluted the surrounding environment. According to hydro-meteorological data and pollution spread model, the estimated maximum emission range of exhaust smoke is about 1.5 km, the pollution range is about 200 m from the fence of the Company and in the wind direction can affect distances of 500 m.

Therefore, the General Department of Environment recommends that people within a radius of 500 m from the fence of Rang Dong should take measures such as: cleaning the roof, cleaning walls, floors and household appliances, hygiene. individuals according to the recommendations of the authorities, wash the open water tanks ... For people living within a radius of 200 m from the fence the Company needs periodic health examinations; For people within a radius of 200 m - 500 m from the fence The Company should seek medical attention when signs of mercury poisoning occur.

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