
Product information

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PECTIN COMPLEX is a health supplement which was developed from over 20 years ago in Ukraine to overcome the terrible consequences of the Chernobyl explosion, to remove radioactive material and heavy metals from the body. During its development process, PECTIN COMPLEX has undergone many clinical trials and scientific experiments, all of which demonstrated the efficacy of the product. PECTIN COMPLEX is widely trusted in Ukraine and was recommended for widely use by decision No. 887 November 30, 2009, approved by the Ministry of Health and the Government of Ukraine. In Vietnam, on April 25th, 2016, Vietnam Food Administration - MOH announced The Declaration of Functional Food No. 8966 / 2016 / ATTP-XNCB for PECTIN COMPLEX.

The main ingredients of PECTIN COMPLEX are natural and pure sugar beet pectin and apple pectin. Research showed that, among all types of pectin - sugar beet pectin has three times stronger complexing effect, so, it is very effective at bonding with heavy metals and toxic chemicals. In addition, 13 vitamins and minerals contained in PECTIN COMPLEX enhances the immune system, has anti-oxidant and anti-aging effect.

Works as a diligence and hard working "cleaner", PECTIN COMPLEX supports elimination of heavy metals and chemical pollutants from the body, helping to prevent diseases caused by environmental pollution.

PECTIN COMPLEX supplements pectin and essential vitamins, enhances liver function and bowel sounds, helps to reduce cholesterol in blood and neutralizes free radicals, supports the elimination of lead and a number of heavy metals; supports protecting the cardiovascular system and the immune system.

PECTIN COMPLEX has no side effects, is very safe for children, pregnant and lactating women.

On July 2016, PECTIN COMPLEX is the only product chosen by the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health - Vietnam Ministry of Health to support lead detoxification for people in Dong Mai village, Hung Yen province. All the tests showed that PECTIN COMPLEX is the best  heavy metal excretion product which was used here.


