Demchenko Pavel Ivanovich – Cofounder, PhD in Chemistry.

Demchenko Pavel Ivanovich is a Professor at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, an employee of the international scientific and technological cooperation at the university. During his scientific activity Mr. Demchenko has been developing various compositions of preparations based on natural macromolecular compounds such as polygalacturonic acid and its derivatives.

Pavel Demchenko, in the collaboration with the National University of Food Technologies and the Institute of Occupational Health of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, has developed and protected by patents a sophisticated technology, according to which started mass production of pectin-vitamin detox health supplements.                       

Pavel Demchenko takes part at numerous national and international exhibitions, symposiums and conferences, which are devoted to issues of bioprophylaxis and health protection of the population from negative environmental factors. 

Lyuta Yuliya Vladimirovna – Director of the company, cofounder.

 Mrs. Yuliya has profound skills of teambuilding and managing business processes; believes that to achieve goals and succeed in business it is necessary to think strategically, never stop learning and improving business management skills; and promote professional growth of the team.

Huyen Trang Tran – Corporate development manager.

Ms. Trang has been repeatedly recognized as the best employee. In her own experience she  knows that hard work and dedication necessarily lead to success.


