Currently, the society is developing so rapidly and uncontrollably that it leads to many environmental incidents. Heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium ...), polluted food and toxic chemicals enter our body every day, destroying human health seriously. To meet the needs of eliminating toxins and heavy metals from the body, contributing to improve the quality of life, we PECTIN TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd honorably introduce to Vietnamese people health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX – a unique natural dietary detox supplement from Ukraine for total cleansing of the body on the cellular level. PECTIN COMPLEX is ecologically pure, powerful sorbent. The main ingredient is sugar beet pectin, which detoxifying property is sustainably higher than most other detox products on the Vietnamese market.

PECTIN COMPLEX is a health supplement which was developed more than 20 years ago in Ukraine to overcome the terrible consequences of the Chernobyl explosion, to remove radioactive substances and heavy metals from the body. Within the period of more than 20 years, PECTIN COMPLEX has undergone many clinical trials and scientific experiments, all of which demonstrated high efficacy of the product. PECTIN COMPLEX is widely used in Ukraine and has been officially recommended by  the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for wide use for population by decision No. 887 November 30, 2009. On April 25th, 2016, Vietnam Food Administration – MOH assigned to PECTIN COMPLEX the Declaration of Functional Food No. 8966 / 2016 / ATTP-XNCB.

The main ingredients of PECTIN COMPLEX is natural and pure sugar beet pectin and apple pectin. Research showed that, among all types of pectin - sugar beet pectin has three times stronger complexing ability, so it is very effective at bonding with heavy metals and toxic chemicals. In addition, 13 vitamins and minerals contained in PECTIN COMPLEX enhance the immune system, have anti-oxidant and anti-aging effect.

PECTIN COMPLEXbeing a safe, natural and effective sorbent, supports the elimination of heavy metals and chemical pollutants from the body, helping to prevent diseases caused by environmental pollution.

PECTIN COMPLEX also enhances liver and bowl functions, helps to normalize cholesterol in blood and neutralizes free radicals, supports the elimination of lead and the amount of heavy metals; protects cardiovascular and immune systems.

PECTIN COMPLEX has no side effects, is absolutely safe for children, pregnant and lactating women.

On July 2016, PECTIN COMPLEX has been  the only product chosen by the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health - Vietnam Ministry of Health to support lead detoxification for people in Dong Mai village, Hung Yen province. All the tests showed that PECTIN COMPLEX is the best remedy for   heavy metal elimination among all the products for detoxification presented in Vietnam.


