Ingredients: 1 tablet (0.400 g) contains sugar beet pectin and apple pectin powders − 0.250 g.

Excipients: MCC – 0,070 g, lactose - 0,030 g, starch - 0,026 g, biosil - 0,015 g, calcium stearate - 0,005 g, Vitamin Complex - 0,004 g.

Supplement Fats for 12 tablets (daily intake):

Vitamin A ........................................833 IU

Vitamin D ........................................50 IU

Beta carotene .................................2,00 mg

Vitamin E ........................................6,00 mg

Axit Ascorbic ...................................36,0 mg

D-Biotin ...........................................0,08 mg

Folic acid .........................................200 mcg

Thiamin (vitamin B1) .......................0,70 mg

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) ....................0,80 mg

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) ...................1,00 mg

Vitamin B12 .....................................2 mcg

Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) ...........….9,00 mg

Calcium D-pantothenate ..................3,00 mg

D-mannitol (E 421)

Sugar beet pectin, developed by Ukrainian scientists according to the exclusive technology has the best cleansing properties, and as a detoxifying natural substance has no analogue in the world. The studies confirm that among different kinds of pectin (apple, citrus and beet), sugar beet pectin has  three times better ability to bind  and eliminate heavy metals and toxins from the body than any other kind of pectin.

Vitamin Complex strengthens the organism, boosts the immunity system  and compensates the lack of essential elements, has anti-age effect.

 Recommended for the rehabilitation after a prolonged illness and after a course of antibiotic therapy.


