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3 potentially toxic elements in your cup of tea

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

When your family daily drink delicious tea, you may even not suspect of the hazard to be poisoned by 3 potentially toxic chemicals.

Drinking tea can only be really healthy with moderate consumption, because tea can contain toxic compounds which are dangerous for your health.

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world and also has many health benefits. Many studies have proven that drinking tea not only keeps you awake and boosts your energy, but also helps you to reduce the risk of depression, ovarian cancer, dementia and Parkinson's disease.

However, like any other drinks, tea can only be really healthy with moderate consumption at the right time and the right way. Moreover, tea may contain toxic compounds which are really hazardous for health. These toxic substances can be different in each type of tea, depending on such factors as: environment, tea cultivation, processing and preservation methods of the manufacturer...



Potentially harmful substances in tea

Heavy metals: According to the results of the study published in the Journal of Toxicology in 2013, researchers tested 30 types of tea and found that they all have a large amount of lead, which can cause heart failure, kidney and reproductive problems. Approximately 73% of leaf teas brewed for three minutes and 83% of soaking teas had lead and aluminum content exceeding 20% ​​the permissible maximum concentrations.

A study in 2015 found that the tea with citric acid additives also had the increased amount of aluminum, cadmium and lead.

Fluoride: Laura Chan, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Derby in the UK, in the research process has found significantly  elevated concentrations of fluoride  in different parts of  tea stalk. Excessive consumption of fluoride causes the damage of teeth, bones and joints.

Pyrrolizidine alkaloid: A study from November 2015 in the journal Food Chemistry reports about the analysis of 44 samples of herbal teas for infants and pregnant and lactating women. In terms of this study the researchers have discovered that 38 of herbal teas (which is 86%) contain Pyrrolizidine alkaloids - the toxins which cause liver damage. This finding is especially important for pregnant women and nursing mothers, because toxic alkaloids can easily undermine the health of the mother, fetus and newborn…



 How to drink tea safely?

-   According to Professor Gerry Schwarfenberg, the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, it is necessary to avoid drinking tea produced in the areas with high risk of contamination. You should choose young tea for drinking because it hasn’t absorbed as much heavy metals as older tea stalks. You should brew tea in glass jars instead of enameled utensils because they may contain lead and during tea brewing can mix with tea.

-   According to Dr. Magdalena Jeszka-Skowron, Poznan University of Technology in Poland, -  tea bags are often made of poor quality materials  and contains much more toxic metals than raw tea leaves, that’s why she advises to limit drinking tea bags. Add lemon only after removing the tea leaves. If not, when added lemon to the hot water with tea leaves, pH level decreases and toxic metals content increases. 



-  You can also minimize the impact of  heavy metals by adding enough vitamin D and other essential elements to your diet and by taking detox health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX.

PECTIN COMPLEX is a natural dietary detox supplement for total cleansing of the body on the cellular level. The strongest effect of PECTIN COMPLEX is to eliminate toxic heavy metals, especially lead, pesticides and other chemical pollutants from the body. Besides, this product also helps to improve the functions of digestive system, regulates metabolism, and strengthens the immune system.




