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3 harmful chemicals in cosmetics

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Every woman dreams to have healthy and beautiful hair, young and silky skin...

But do many women really carefully consider the quality of cosmetics they use? Do many of us before buying a bottle of shampoo read its composition?  - I'm sure, not many. We trustingly buy shampoos and other hygienic cosmetics and use it the whole family, including our little children. However, it is not as safe as we may think.

Many cosmetic products contain harmful chemical compounds, which may seriously harm the body.

Let’s review the most dangerous and the most popular of them:

1. Sulfates

Sulfates are found in almost every shampoo, liquid soap, shower gel, and so on. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a foaming agent, which is used in cosmetics to remove  the bacterial contaminants from our skin, teeth and hair.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a chemical foaming agent

The problem is that many brands of shampoos and cosmetics do not adhere to all the norms and standards, and violate the permissible limits for the content of chemical compounds, especially sulfates in their compositions. High content of sulfate can cause skin, eye and respiratory tract irritation.

2. Oxybenzone

Oxybenzone is a compound that is widely used in the majority of products that are created to protect our skin from UV rays. This chemical compound should prevent our skin from cancer and premature aging. And it would seem that oxybenzone brings only benefits. However, in 2008 the American organization "Center for Disease Control and Prevention," held a study, which found that oxybenzone  is a toxic substance. This chemical compound accumulates in our body. As a result, it can provoke allergies and even hormonal disorders in men and women.

Pregnant women who used cosmetic products, which contained oxybenzone, gave birth to low weight children. After that, many manufacturers altogether excluded oxybenzone from the compositions of their cosmetic products , replacing it with natural minerals, such as  Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide.

Currently in many mass market cosmetics still you still can often find oxybenzone. Therefore, when buying cosmetics, you should carefully study the composition and chose those, which contain only safe ingredients.

3. Parabens

These preservatives are used in cosmetics manufacture in order to prevent the formation of malignant microorganisms in hygiene products. Many scientists believe that parabens cause cancer. The proof of this fact is that many cosmetic companies have begun actively to withdraw this component from the compositions of their products.

Doctors wide world recommend children, pregnant, breastfeeding women, and all others who care about their health to avoid using hygiene products and cosmetics which contain the following substances: chlorine, sulfates, phthalates, formaldehyde, toluen and fluoride. These substances can adversely affect the health, especially the health of the mother and child.

However, some dishonest manufacturers no not indicate harmful chemicals that their products contain, and thus, we and our children are daily prone to the negative effects and possible health problems due to the use of low quality cosmetics.

Only regular body cleansing on the cellular level will help us to maintain our health and to prevent numerous diseases.

The most effective in Vietnam for detoxification is a natural Ukrainian  health detox supplement PECTIN COMPLEX.

PECTIN COMPLEX is gentle enterosorbent of the new generation, which effectively binds and removes from the body heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides and other persistent chemical pollutants.

PECTIN COMPLEX has passed many clinical tests in Ukraine, which proved its high detoxifying properties and safety.

PECTIN COMPLEX contains only natural ingredients, such as sugar beet pectin, apple pectin and vitamin complex, which not only detoxify the body, but also significantly strengthen the immune system.

PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended by the decree of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine #887 from the 30th of November 2009 for wide use of the population, including children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, who live in the ecologically disadvantages areas for prevention of the ecologically dependent diseases.




