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8 tips for healthy longevity

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Few elderly people in Vietnam can boast good health. Usually the older people become, the more diseases they gain. It happens because of different reasons: severe pollution that attacks them every day, lack of spots, unhealthy eating habits, stress, lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, smoking. All these factors lead to the situation that 80-90% of elderly people in Vietnam suffer from the following diseases:

•Adult onset diabetes


•Kidney and bladder problems


•Parkinson's disease


•Lung disease



•Enlarged prostate

•Alzheimer's disease

•Macular degeneration


•Cardiovascular disease

Chronic diseases have a profound impact on the health and quality of life of elder Vietnamese, not to mention the financial burden that is often associated with long-term illness.

However, researchers globally have already pinpointed some critical lifestyle factors that contribute to better health, active aging and longer life:

1. Go for a walk most days.

A 2017 study in London reported that people who were physically active for 30 minutes five days a week—whether walking, doing household chores or gardening—reduced their risk of dying prematurely by 25% and of developing heart disease.

2. Eat healthy, nutrient-rich foods.

As people age they need fewer calories, but as many or even more nutrients in some cases. A healthy diet, along with regular physical activity, can help prevent or slow down the progress of diabetes, heart disease and some cancers according to the University of Regina.

3. Detoxify the body regularly.

Toxins inevitably get into the body with polluted air, food and water, then they accumulate in the body tissues (brain, liver, bones, etc). To ensure healthy functioning of all body systems and organs, you should detoxify your body with a natural detox health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX. This product is scientifically proven to effectively eliminate heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, excessive levels of cholesterol and blood sugar.

4. Engage in social activities.

Seniors who socialized frequently enjoyed better health and quality of life, according Statistics Canada. A lack of social connection can disrupt sleep, raise blood pressure and increase an older person’s chance of premature death, reported a University of Chicago study.

5. Learn throughout life.

Stimulating your brain with new learning is mental exercise that’s just as important as physical exercise. Continuing to learn each day will help keep your mind sharp, bolster memory and concentration, and lower your risk of dementia, according to Dalhousie University.

6. Be positive about aging.

A Yale University study found older adults who had a positive attitude towards aging lived more than seven years longer than those with negative attitudes.

7. Help others by giving.

People who volunteered regularly lived longer, if their goal was to help others rather than just to feel better, according to a Health Psychology study. Volunteering regularly is also associated with lowering blood pressure, reported Carnegie Mellon.

8. Nap for an hour a day.

Napping for an hour in the afternoon is linked to improved memory and ability to think clearly, according to the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Regular sleep patterns for older adults are also associated with longer life.




