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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

PECTIN COMPLEX is  a unique product manufactured from certified natural organic raw materials in accordance with the sophisticated patented Ukrainian technology. PECTIN COMPLEX has a remarkable detoxifying  property - it performs mechanical, chemical and biological cleansing of the body. While cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, it establishes the normal enterohepatic circulation of substances, restores the antitoxic function of the liver, regulates the metabolism in the body.

Doctors recommend PECTIN COMPLEX for the prevention of chronic diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular  systems, and for people whose jobs are  related with unhealthy working  conditions. 

Aslo PECTIN COMPLEX is effective for allergic diseases, both in children and adults, supports the resistance and youthfulness of the skin.

The effectiveness of PECTIN COMPLEX is confirmed by the results of rigorous clinical tests in leading clinics and medical centers in  Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Vietnam.

PECTIN COMPLEX, like all dietary fibers, works in the large intestine, but on the way to it, it does a great job of cleansing  the tissues of various organs (liver, kidneys, vessels, etc.). PECTIN COMPLEX has a large sorption capacity and binds and eliminates  heavy metal compounds such as mercury, lead, cadmium.

It is  clinically  confirmed that PECTIN COMPLEX restores bifido and  lactoflora, eliminating the effects of intestinal dysbiosis. This fact is very important for the recovery of the body, since the intestinal microflora is an important organ of secondary digestion of food and normal formation of fecal masses.

PECTIN COMPLEX improves the normal enterohepatic circulation of many substances, restores the antitoxic function of the liver.

PECTIN COMPLEX also influences  on an infectious factor, mobilizing the body's defenses to suppress various infections (Staphylococcus aureus, herpes, SARS, etc.).

PECTIN COMPLEX is indispensable in anti-parasitic programs: it  eliminates the side effects of drugs used to destroy parasites, removes extremely toxic decay products during their massive death in the body.

Thus, PECTIN COMPLEX conducts a comprehensive cleansing of the body: mechanical, chemical and biological. Its properties are unique for human body  due to its composition and mechanisms of action.

Be healthy and vigorous with PECTIN COMPLEX!




