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Corollaries of water pollution and how to avoid them

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Water accounts for 3/4 of the Earth surface. Seemingly endless number and water resources is considered never to be exhausted. However, have you known the truth about water yet? With a huge total amount but saline water accounts for 96.54%. Water from rivers and streams which is clean and people use most of them, only is 1250 km3, representing 1/1000000 the total amount of water. Despite such little amount of water, human activities are heavily polluting it, filling  it with  harmful substances such as wastes of plant protection products and  industrial wastes, etc.

The toxic elements in water:

Inorganic ions such as Cl, SO42-, PO43–, Na+, K+ ... in water, when being absorbed too much in the body, disrupt water and electrolyte exchange through the cell membrane, which makes the body tired and weakens the immune system.

Heavy metals which are highly toxic compounds such as Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Sb, Cr, F ... will cause joint pain, inflammation of  kidneys, hypertension, stroke, skin tissue, lungs and bronchus cancer, especially effects on central nervous system and can be fatal if severe poisoning occurs.

The susceptible organic material to biodegradation such as polychlorobiphenyl (PCBs), polychlorophenol (PCPS), are persistent organic compounds. These substances are often found in industrial waste water and water from fields because it contains a lot of herbicides, pesticides and growth stimulants. These compounds often cause poisoning when being contained in drinking water.

The pathogenic microorganisms in water cause damage to water users in daily life. These organisms are the cause of some diseases such as dermatitis and other skin diseases; arthritis, stomach ulcers and intestinal diseases, in addition they can lead to hepatitis, infections, eye diseases, gynecological diseases, etc.

The numbers speak about pollution of water sources in Vietnam

• Vietnamese Institute of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene reports  that currently there are about 17.2 million people (21.5% of the population) who are using water resources that have not been tested and processed. This means that 17.2 million people are at risk of having diseases caused by polluted water.

• According to the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), 4,000 m3 is the minimum amount of water for 1 person a year. However, in Vietnam, the figure is only 840 m3, this can be considered as  a paradox of a country with a network of rivers, canals, such as our country.

• The percentage of people who are not aware of the role of water resources and its danger of being depleted is 30% of the population.

• Annually on average, Vietnam has 9,000 deaths caused by the use of contaminated water.

• The number of people suffering from cancer caused by polluted water had risen to 200,000.

What should we do to minimize the risk of diseases caused by contaminated water?

• Equip your family with efficient water filtration.

• Use only pure water and qualified bottled water delivery services.

• Implement principles of healthy eating and drink boiled water.

However, no one is guaranteed that the water sources we use, are 100% secure. Therefore, use PECTIN COMPLEX every day to eliminate toxins and protect your health. PECTIN COMPLEX is produced from natural raw materials on European technological lines, which is effective for:

• Removing toxins, heavy metals and other harmful chemicals from the body.

• Improving gastrointestinal functions.

• Strengthening the immune system, virus removal and minimizing  the possibility of infections.

Do not hesitate any longer! Please, take the phone and call 04.2220 8688 to purchase and take advice from leading experts!


Pectin Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: 519 Kim Ma - Ba Dinh - Hanoi




