
Doctor of Medical Science Irina Anatolyevna Zhabchenko, Professor at the Institute of Family Planning, Deputy Director of Research, Researcher at the Institute of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Doctors analyzed the state of 1300 women such cities as Kiev and Poltava. The first blood test was done on the day of pregnancy registration. Then we conducted a course of application of a health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX in order to reduce the negative impact of heavy metals and pesticides on mother and the fetus. The second survey was done on the third-fourth day after childbirth .We found that PECTIN COMPLEX  helps to  reduce blood contamination by 25–40% .The risk of complications and prenatal losses is reduced by the same amount.


