
Doctor of Medical Sciences Beletskaya Eleonora Nikolaevna, Professor, Head of the Department of General Hygiene, State University "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

In order to prevent the ecologically dependent pathology in children, a course of supporting treatment was conducted with the use of a health supplement Pectin Complex for 2572 children of 4-6 years old. The results of comprehensive examination of children confirm that the course of application of PECTIN COMPLEX had a positive effect on children's health indicators: the lead content in blood decreased by 1.5 times while enhancing renal elimination. In 91% of the examined children, psychophysiological testing indicators improved. Consequently, systematic use of PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended for children and adults living in industrially polluted areas, because PECTIN COMPEX contributes to increasing the resistance of the body to chronic and acute intoxications and strengthening of health.


