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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Today we will analyze the approaches that exist in solving problems with dysbiosis.

In order to make this issue easier , we will use this analogy.

Our intestines are like a city in which respectable "good" citizens live, and also not very respectable citizens - "harmful" microbes.

The latter are divided into 2 groups: "unreliable" citizens and "criminals". "Unreliable" are bacteria that usually do not harm the body at all, but under certain conditions they can become dangerous. For example, when natural disasters occur, suddenly from nowhere come looters with a huge thirst for profit. While everything was fine, they seemed normal people, but there was an opportunity, their true face manifested.

"Criminals" are frankly harmful bacteria that simply should not be in the city.

What does healthy intestine mean without dysbiosis?

A healthy intestine is like a city that is inhabited by good bacterial citizens who work for our health. Unreliable citizens behave quietly, keep the body in a state of "combat readiness", just in case. And "bad" microbes - criminals from the body are timely eliminated and removed.

If something happens wrong - poisoning, taking antibiotics, breaking a diet, etc., then for the intestine it's like a war or an earthquake for a city.

The peaceful inhabitants hide in the corners, gangs of criminals and marauders are in the city. In general, everything is bad ... Dysbacteriosis begins, that is a violation of the balance between "good" useful microbes and "bad" ones.

How can you remedy the situation?

There are three classical approaches.

1. Use of antibiotics. It's like throwing an atomic bomb on a city - everyone will die. Both good and bad. What will happen next? And what happens after the atomic bombing - rats are planted in ruins, and normal residents in the ruins refuse to live.

2. Forced settlement of the city by "good" residents. That is, the use of drugs containing bifido- and lactobacilli. But there is one problem: the whole city is turned into a "slum". There are simply no conditions for life. All houses are occupied by "bad" microbes. Living in the street is not an option. So it turns out that normal bacteria work, and then leave the city (simply, they go "to the toilet"). The effect of this method is usually temporary.

3. Use of "Special Forces" or "Counter-Terrorist Operation", if you want.

There are drugs that have the ability to selectively neutralize "bad guys", and not to touch civilians.

These drugs carry out a "sweep" of the intestinal city, eliminate bad microbes, remove them from the body in a natural way, thereby freeing "houses" for the life of normal bacteria.

Thus, two effects are achieved:

First, all bad bacteria are eliminated, and secondly, the intestine is populated with its own, ideally suited micro flora, which each of us receives at birth with the mother's milk.

This is an ideal way of bringing order to the intestines. It gives effect either permanently or permanently.

An example of such product is PECTIN COMPLEX .

The basis of PECTIN COMPLEX is  - pectin, a natural vegetable compound. It is a part of all green plants of the planet and is a valuable and necessary component of human nutrition.

Long-term studies have made it possible to establish the main feature of the effect of the drug PECTIN COMPLEX  - it is precisely directed at pathogenic microorganisms that produce toxic substances. The drug blocks them, sorbs and removes them from the body. Useful microorganisms do not suffer from this. From the elimination of the main clinical manifestations of dysbiosis and other intestinal infections, until stable state normalization, the drug PECTIN COMPLEX is sufficient for several hours, up to several days, depending on the pathogen.

Therefore, without a doubt, such a drug must be available in every home medicine cabinet for the prevention of dysbiosis in both children and adults. It is especially important to remember this if there are young children in the family, as well as during the season change, when the cold comes, after taking antibiotics, in stressful situations.




