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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment


1. Sources of heavy metal poisoning.

Heavy metals are defined as large atomic mass elements such as Asenium, Cadmium (Cu), Crom (Cr), Copper (Cu), Lead ( Pb) and Mercury (Hg), which can cause damages to the organs of the living organisms, even at low concentrations, Frequently, heave metal poisoning occurs  due to occupational exposure or accumulation in the food chain. These metals enter the body through the digestive tract, respiratory system and skin.

The origin of exposure to heavy metals is due to occupational exposure or environmental pollution is caused by industrial production associated with poorly treated waste. Metal waste mainly comes from such industries as petrochemical, mining, metallurgy (foundry and metallurgy), mechanics (plating, painting), chemical (paint, plastics) and pottery. Water sources (including ground waters, lakes, streams, rivers) can be polluted by heavy metals that were emitted from industry and household wastes. Acid rains accelerate this process, and heavy metals are absorbed into the soil.

Then, the trees and other plants contact with heavy metals through water, soil, and animals eat these plants. And later humans are poisoned with  heavy metals after eating these plants and animals that were contaminated  by heavy metals.

Exhaust fumes from vehicles are also the main source of heavy metal contamination for humans. And children's toys that do not guarantee quality are also a source of heavy metals.

Exposure to compounds containing heavy metals is toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic, and cancerous in humans and many animals.

2. The acute (immediate) and chronic (long-term) effects of heavy metal contamination

Heavy metal poisoning causes acute reactions when people are exposed to large amounts of metals at one time. For example, swallowing a leaded toy , a child can contact with large amounts of  lead immediately. Eating mercury contaminated fish also causes acute poisoning.

In addition, there are many evidences that long-term (chronic) exposure to heavy metals, even to a low level, can be damaging to health. Symptoms of chronic heavy metal poisoning can be very severe, but difficult to diagnose at first. They develop gradually over time.

Heavy metals

The track of penetrating to the body


Health effects


 ( Immediate)

Chronic (Long – term )


Respiratory tract, digestive tract and absorbed through the skin

Shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing, abdominal pain, vomiting, intestinal bleeding, neurological effects

Gingivitis, mucosal irritation, ulcerative skin, ulcerative nasal septum

Lung cancer, liver disease and kidney disease, gene mutation


Respiratory tract, digestive tract and absorbed through the skin

Pain in the digestive system, vomiting, increased urination, anemia, shock due to decreased blood flow, nephrotoxicity, stress, irritability, shivering, insomnia, fatigue

Gingivitis, gums, heart palpitations, goiter, high level mercury in urine

Damage to the nervous system, DNA damage and chromosomes, fatigue, headaches, negative effects on the reproductive system such as sperm damage, birth defects and miscarriage.


Respiratory tract, digestive tract

Mucosal injury, shock due to decreased blood flow, fever, maceration, pain in the digestive system, anorexia

Decreased strength, enlarged liver, melanin (melanoma), arrhythmias, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, malignant liver cancer, skin cancer and lung cancer.

Congenital malformations, causing cancer: lung, skin, liver, bladder. Gastrointestinal injury. Severe vomiting, diarrhea. Dead.


Respiratory tract, digestive tract

Nausea, vomiting, thirst, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, hemoglobinuria, diarrhea (less urine) leading to shock due to decreased blood flow

Stomachache, paralysis and lead encephalopathy

Anemia (hemoglobin), increase pressure, kidney damage, miscarriage, nervous system damage, brain damage, infertility, mental disorders.

The relationship of some heavy metals and health effects.

3. Prevention and control of heavy metal contamination

Prevent contact / exposure from the beginning is the most ideal way. There are a few simple measures:

  • Reduce dust in your home and put off your shoes  when you enter your home because many heavy metals are contained in dust and mud.
  • Pay attention to the level of mercury in fish.
  • Be aware of sources of exposure to lead.
  • Read goods labels to see if they contain heavy metals.

You’re not sure if these measures can help or not , it is better to apply scientifically proven measures of heavy metal poisoning prevention. And this method is called periodic detoxification. In Vietnam, an excellent choice for a total body detoxification  is  a natural detox health supplement from Ukraine  PECTIN COMPLEX, which is the only dietary supplement that has been officially recommended by the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Vietnam and has been used in state programs of lead detoxification of  population of particularly polluted provinces of Vietnam.

PECTIN COMPLEX effectively eliminates heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides, pathogenic bacteria and other toxic substances from the body. It is important to note, that by removing harmful compounds, PECTIN COMPLEX does not eliminate vitamins and beneficial microelements from the body.

PECTIN COMPLEX is 100% natural product, consisting of highly purified medical grade sugar beet pectin and apple pectin, enriched with a powerful vitamin complex. The health supplement has no contraindications and side effects, so it is recommended for all members of the family, including pregnant and lactating women, small children.




