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Indoor Pollution

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment


Experts say that the cause of many diseases is indoor pollution. What dangerous substances have experts found at our homes? And how can we make our home safer?

Sources of pollution: building and finishing materials, plastic products, furniture made ​​of particleboard, toxic cleaners.

Diseases: asthma, allergies, brain disorders, cancer.

Many of volatile chemicals in the air of our apartments have allergenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic activity. Building and finishing materials excrete a lot of hazardous chemicals.

Cleaning chemicals and detergents are very carcinogenic, especially its main operating component - surfactants.  They are extremely dangerous for human health because they cause immune disorders, allergies, brain disorders, liver, kidneys and lungs diseases. This chemical accumulates in organs and act as a poison: damages the liver cellular function, which leads to an increase of cholesterol level. Surfactants also increase the risk of development of atherosclerosis in the blood vessels of the heart and brain; disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Another dangerous substance in our house is chlorine. It causes cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, allergic reactions, negatively affects skin and hair, increases the risk of cancer.

Stale air

The air indoors is 10-100 times more polluted than outdoors. The air circulation is extremely low in our apartments, that’s why all the chemicals which get in through the windows and ventilation, stagnate for a long time in our rooms.

The situation is aggravated by the dust. It gathers all the chemical compounds, bacteria and viruses, and provides them with an excellent nutrient medium.

Internal enemies

More than 500 chemical compounds can be found in our homes. 17 of them pose a really high risk for our health. They are found in every home in different concentrations, which is often ten times higher than normal.


The main source of formaldehyde is furniture and decoration materials. Formaldehyde is actively emitted  in warm and humid rooms. The newer and "synthetic" the furniture is, the risk of pollution is higher.


Experts admit that lead is found in 50% of apartments and offices. And in many of them the level of lead is increased threefold.  

More air, please!

To protect yourself, it is important to solve the problem of ventilation. Unfortunately, plastic windows are completely tight and don’t let the air get in, that’s why they increase the risk of allergies, dermatological and lung diseases.

Air conditioners are breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. If the air conditioner is not cleaned for more than three months, it is dangerous.  

Household appliances

Another hidden threat is an abundance of constantly enabled electronics. Televisions, computers, telephones and other devices form a powerful electromagnetic field, which adversely affects human health, particularly children and pregnant women are exposed to it.

Your home can be made ecologically secure by following these rules:

  • Frequently ventilate your home
  • Regularly conduct wet cleaning
  • Grow houseplants
  • Use organic cleaners
  • Select furniture made of eco-friendly materials

Conduct regular detoxification of your body from harmful substances by a dietary detox supplement PECTIN COMPLEX, which:

  • Effectively eliminates toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides, and other persistent chemical contaminators;
  • Regulates metabolism;
  • Boosts the immune resistance of the organism to viruses and bacteria;
  • Has an antitumor effect.




