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Lead poisoning

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

• Lead is a toxic substance which accumulates in the body and affects different organs and systems and is especially harmful to young children.

• Lead poisoning causes each year about 600 000 new cases of  disorders of mental activity of children.

• Lead poisoning causes 143,000 deaths per year in the world. Half of all the diseases caused by lead intoxication occurs in the South-East Asia.

• Lead accumulates in people’s brain, liver and kidneys. Eventually lead accumulates in the teeth and bones. The level of impact of lead on people’s health, as a rule, is determined by the content of lead in the blood.

Lead is a toxic metal. Widespread use of it caused environmental pollution and severe consequences on people’s health in many parts of the world.

Lead poisoning has led to an increase in the number of stillbirths and miscarriages, neurological disorders and retardation of mental development.

Sources of lead pollution:

  • Mining, smelting, manufacturing and waste recycling.
  • In some countries the use of paint and gasoline containing lead is still officially permitted. More than ¾ of global lead consumption accounts for the production of lead-acid batteries for motor vehicles.
  • Other products which may contain lead: pigments, solder, stained glass, cut glass, ammunition, ceramic glazes, jewelry, toys and some cosmetics.
  • Drinking water flowing through lead pipes or pipes connected with lead solder, may also contain lead. 


Negative effects of lead poisoning on children's health

Lead has a serious impact on children's health: Lead disrupts the brain function and central nervous system, causing coma, convulsions and even death. Children who survive after severe lead poisoning may suffer from mental retardation and intellectual impairment. Lead exposure also causes anemia, hypertension, and renal failure.  

Even 5 mg / dL of lead in blood, which some time ago was considered as a "safe level» can lead to behavioral difficulties and problems at school.  

Lead also causes serious negative impact on adults’ health, including an increased risk of high blood pressure and kidney damage. High level of lead in blood of pregnant women can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and low birth weight of the baby.

WHO is currently developing guidelines for the prevention and management of cases of lead poisoning for the medical staff in order they can provide their patients with recommendations on measures they can take to protect their health from exposure to lead.

To protect yourself and your children from lead poisoning, you should:

  • Choose safe building materials and paint for your house
  • Buy only high-quality toys and household items for your children made by a reliable manufacturer
  • Regularly ventilate the house
  • Stay away from lead-contaminated areas
  • Maintain good personal hygiene and keep track of the child's hygiene - always wash  hands and face after returning from outside.
  • Conduct regular detoxification using dietary detox supplement PECTIN COMPLEX, that:
  1. Effectively eliminates toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides, and other persistent chemical contaminants;
  2. Regulates metabolism;
  3. Boosts immune resistance of the organism to viruses and bacteria.  




