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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

According to a report by the International Fund for Cancer Research, Vietnam is in fourth place among 25 countries with the largest number of deaths from liver tumors.

The report is based on statistics from Globocan, an interactive web platform with cancer incidence data from 185 countries.

An average of 100,000 people in Vietnam account for 23 deaths from cancer. With that, by the number of dead men, the country holds the third place, second only after Mongolia and Egypt. Of 100,000 representatives of men in Vietnam, 39 people die.

Among the main causes of morbidity, experts call excessive smoking and alcohol consumption. WHO Director for the Western Pacific Region, Shin Yung-su, said that an adult Vietnamese receives 8.3 liters of pure alcohol per year. This is much more than in neighboring countries. For comparison, the Chinese drink 7.2 liters of alcohol per year, Filipinos - 6.6, Cambodians - 6.7. Recently it became clear that the Vietnamese are overtaking even Russians in the amount of alcohol consumed.

In addition to alcohol, hepatitis B and C can be the cause of the incidence. According to the Ministry of Health, in Vietnam there are 7.8 million patients with the first and 991,000 with the second infection. Among them, there are more than 14,000 and 6,000 patients with liver cancer, respectively.

Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers. For 1 year, according to WHO, in the world 782,000 people die from it.

The problem of excessive drinking by the Vietnamese has long been a concern of doctors and officials.

Liver is the most important alcohol metabolite organ. Over 90% of alcohol intake is metabolized in liver, the rest is excreted through the lungs and kidneys.

In the liver, alcohol is converted into acetaldehyde as a poison, then converted into non-toxic acetate. However, the ability of liver to metabolize acetaldehyde to acetate is limited. Too much absorption of alcohol which is beyond the liver's metabolism capacity can lead to the excessive amount of produced acetaldehyde, then lead to the damage of liver cells, causing hepatitis, cirrhosis, and finally cancer.

Preventative methods for liver cancer

To prevent liver cancer, experts recommend that you keep in mind the following:

  • Prevent mold from eating and living. Absolutely do not eat moldy foods, they contain aflatoxin – which can cause this disease quickly.
  • Have a healthy diet with plenty of green vegetables, have moderate alcohol intake and moderate exercises.
  • Prevent hepatitis by vaccination, have regular health checks to prevent sources of hepatitis B infection, then have timely medical intervention.

In addition, a new trend in developing countries is using strong antioxidants that promote eliminating toxins from the body by stimulating the action of enzymes excreted in the liver and protects the cells from the attack of toxins. Normally, the system of toxic elimination only works at about 40% of capacity, while the toxins are increasingly coming from many sources, so promoting and activating this system to its maximum capacity is very important. Therefore, experts advise anyone to know cancer prevention by having healthy eating style and creating their own habit of detox for the body.

PECTIN COMPLEX – an excellent detox and antioxidant product

PECTIN COMPLEX is a reputable detox product that comes from Ukraine, has been used extensively in Ukraine for more than 25 years for the purpose of detoxifying the body and preventing many diseases caused by internal and external poisoning. PECTIN COMPLEX contains pure pectin extracted from sugar beets combined with apple pectin, which has been widely demonstrated for its powerful ability to purify the body and remove heavy metals, radiation, pesticides from the body. It thereby reduces the burden on liver and helps to prevent liver cancer effectively.

Beside sugar beet pectin and apple pectin, PECTIN COMPLEX also contains a powerful vitamin complex consisting of 13 vitamins, providing the body with essential nutrients, boosting the immune system. It is an wonderful antioxidant source that has great premature aging prevention.




