News and articles

New properties of PECTIN COMPLEX

For more than 20 years, a dietary supplement PECTIN COMPLEX has been helping people who suffered  from  various poisonings, and...
24/ 04/ 2020

5 indisputable advantages of PECTIN COMPLEX

Do you plan to carry out a complex body detoxification with PECTIN COMPLEX? You have made a right choice!  A...
24/ 04/ 2020

Feedbacks of satisfied customers about body cleansing with PECTIN COMPLEX

In recent years, due to severely polluted environment , more and more people think about preserving their health. We live...
24/ 04/ 2020

How is PECTIN COMPLEX different from other sorbents?

In the gastrointestinal tract PECTIN COPLEX binds various harmful substances: toxins, allergens,viruses, bacteria, then removes them naturally from the body....
24/ 04/ 2020

PECTIN COMPLEX - complex cleansing of the body within 30 days

Have you known that in the ranking of the most polluted cities in Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City...
24/ 04/ 2020

Sorbents for treatment of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, or, as it is also called, diathesis is one of the most common types of allergies, a chronic...
24/ 04/ 2020

