
 Olga Petrus, Ukraine, Sumy

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

I worked at a factory with unhealthy working conditions during several years, every day contacting with lead. At that time I did  not think about the consequences it may have on my health. After getting married my husband and me decided to have a baby. At the medical examination, the doctor told me about the increased risk of various pathologies of fetus development in case if a pregnant woman continuously contacts with toxic metals. Puzzled by this problem, I started reading a lot about it on the Internet and found information about the PECTIN COMPLEX, which effectively eliminates heavy metals and toxins from the body. An important factor for me was the fact that this dietary supplement is officially recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since then I take PECTIN COMPLEX regularly and  I feel very well because I don’t have to worry about my health and the health of my baby which may be caused by negative environmental factors – now my family and I are  protected by PECTIN COMPLEX.


