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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment


In 2012 in Bac Giang some number of children was exposed to serious lead poisoning due to intake of some traditional bad quality dubious herbal medicine.

After that, since 2012 till 2017 these children, during 5 long years suffered chronic lead intoxication.

Despite some attempts of parents to have some treatment aiming to reduce lead in the blood, during all these years, lead blood level in children still remained elevated and adversely effected their intellectual development, growth and had some other negative health effects.

And finally, in May 2017 there was started a charity program of support treatment by PECTIN COMPLEX of a selected group of 47 children in Bac Ziang who had chronic lead intoxication. The charity program was organized by Pectin Technology Co. Ltd, WIT Pharma Co. Ltd and Nam Viet Healthcare Co. Ltd.

During the program of treatment of children with PECTIN COMPLEX, the blood and urine test results made by National Vietnamese laboratory showed that, after the use of PECTIN COMPLEX in 100% of children there was a significant reduction of lead in the blood. The highest reduction of lead was up to 77.38%. According to Dr. Pham Due who spent much time to supervise and inspect all processes of testing, declared the final results of application of PECTIN COMPLEX, emphasized that eliminating of lead from the body is a complicated process and it could take several years. However, only after 6 months of intake of PECTIN COMPLEX, the level of lead in the blood of all children was significantly decreased.

The document issued by the National Vietnamese Laboratory informing about the percentage of reduction of lead in the blood of children after the intake of PECTIN COMPLEX

80% of 47 children after the  use of PECTIN COMPLEX, reduced the lead blood level to normal. It means that now nothing threatens their health and normal development.

It is necessary to admit that 10% of children still have a bit high level of lead in the blood, but much lower than before.

At the end of the program of application of PECTIN COMPLEX, all parents received the notification about the reduction of lead in the blood of their children

Concerning this issue, Ukrainian and Vietnamese doctors concluded that there are 2 possible reasons why the level of lead in 10% of children also decreased, but hasn't dropped to normal yet:

- The first and the most evident reason is that the parents of these children didn't give them PECTIN COMPLEX regularly and in full.

- The second possible reason in that the body of each child is individual and it has its own speed of recovery, and for some kids these several months of treatment were not enough.

Also leading Vietnamese and Ukrainian doctors are totally convinced that that if these 10% of kids prolong the use of PECTIN COMPLEX for some longer, the level of lead in the body will be surely reduced to normal.

Dr. Pham Due gave a speech at the event and mentioned about adverse effects of using some dubious traditional medicines, also he enumerated negative consequences of lead poisoning on the development and health of children. At this event, all parents received more knowledge, found out the ways to protect and take care of their children.

        Dr. Pham Due speaking about the effectiveness of the use of PECTIN COMPLEX in Bac Giang

At the end of the event, after the annoucement of results of effectiveness of applicaiton of PECTIN COMPLEX for children he organizers presented gifts to all children and wished them to be healthy,  making a prosperous  future of the country.

         Participants of the program of support treatment with PECTIN COMPLEX in Bac Giang

PECTINCOMPLEX is a product that solves the nationwide problem of lead intoxication of Vietnamese people.

We are happy that we have made a small, but important contribution to the health of people in Vietnam.

 PECTIN COMPLEX is the ONLY ONE detox health supplement that is officially on the state level applied and recommended in Vietnam by the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental health and other leading doctors.

Many newspapers, TV channels joined the event, such as: VTC1, VTC16, VITV, QPVN, Bac Giang local channel; also the following newspapers: SohaNews, VNexpress, Business and Law, Tintuc, etc. Highlighting of this event by mass media contributed to spreading more knowledge for parents about the danger of lead poisoning, convinced them to stop using traditional dubious medicines for children’s treatment.

Besides that, Ukrainian natural detox health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX obtained   more and more trust from the consumers for the excellent results of its application in Dong Mai – Hung Yen, Tan Yen, Luc Nam Bac Giang, Thai Nguyen, Ninh Binh.




