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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

The easiest way to feel healthier and more enegetic is to cleanse the body from toxins. The most effective way to do it is applying natural detoxofiers like pectin. Pectins have the ability to absorb toxins and harmful substances, hold them and remove from the body.

In Vietnam the best natural body detoxofier is PECTIN COMPLEX, a unique premium quality product, imported from Ukraine. For faster detoxification, doctors also recommend to reduce or eliminate products with artificial additives, as well as indigestible products, that is, those that increase the content of toxins in the body. Instead, you should enrich your diet with vegetables and fruit.

PECTIN COMPLEX is a wonderful gift of nature: it does not only eliminate harmful substances and waste from the body, but also lowers blood sugar and prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, “cleans” blood vessels, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

PECTIN COMPLEX envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, not allowing harmful substances to be absorbed into the blood. It absorbs toxins and removes them from the body, softens the effect of active substances on the walls of the stomach and intestines, reduces the inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane and prevents the occurrence of stomach ulcers.

PECTIN COMPLEX prevents the development of atherosclerosis and prevents poisoning

of the body with poor-quality food and harmful substances.

Chronic heavy metal intoxication of children and adults in Vietnam especially in such areas like Hung Yen and Bac Ninh is a very acute problem. Since 2016 till now PECTIN COMPLEX is the only one natural detox health supplement that has been successfully used in the National Program of support treatment of lead intoxication of children and workers deployed by the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Vietnam, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.

PECTIN COMPLEX perfectly cleanses the body and saves us from diseases such as:

· acute and chronic intoxications of different origin

· vegetovascular dystonia

· digestive diseases

· cardiovascular diseases

· diabetes

· metabolic diseases.

Besides cellular body intoxication, PECTIN COMPEX normalizes cholesterol level, improves metabolism in the body - a surge of strength is immediately felt, and after a while the appearance becomes more attractive, the skin smoother, and the hair silky.

Be healthy and vigorous with PECTIN COMPLEX!





