
PECTIN COMPLEX for prevention and support treatment of skin diseases

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Every third person in the world suffers from allergic diseases. The most common type of allergy is skin allergy.

Experts do not consider it to be a serious illness; however there is a very high risk of development of very severe complications such as atopic dermatitis and eczema.

PECTIN COMPLEX is used for prevention and complex treatment of allergic reactions and dermatological diseases due to the detoxifying properties of pectin to bind and eliminate allergens, autoimmune complexes, toxins, substances and elements of inflammation; and as a result, pectin helps to restore normal skin functions.

Many experts admit that dietary detox supplement PECTIN COMPLEX is used in complex treatment and helps to restore skin health in case of allergies of various nature, atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and children diathesis.


