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PECTIN COMPLEX for support treatment of lead poisoning of children in Thai Nguyen and Bac Kan provinces

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Performing the scientific and technological task on the State-level "Research on lead poisoning situation of children in Vietnam and the effectiveness of interventions", the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (NIOEH) conducted the first interference deployment  in some communities all over the country, including Tan Long commune, Dong Hy district, Thai Nguyen province on  the 28th of December, 2016 and Ban Thi commune, Cho Don district, Bac Kan on the 29th and the 30th of December, 2016.


Officers from NIOEH consulted on health issues and prevention of lead intoxication of children and delivered PECTIN COMPLEX to them  

In cooperation with the Health Care Center at all levels of these abovementioned provinces, the NIOEH has delivered  health examination and test results before intervention, also consulted on health issues  and prevention of lead intoxication methods for children, and delivered PECTIN COMPLEX to children who have level of lead in blood ≥ 7 g / dL in order to reduce  absorption and increase excretion of lead. Besides, the Institute also delivered leaflets about lead poisoning prevention for parents and children, and took blood and urine samples for further tests.


 Activities of this interference have received enthusiastic support and help from the local government, also there was voiced a  commitment to use PECTIN COMPLEX for supporting elimination of lead under the guidance, and implementation of lead exposure preventive measures by parents and children who are the subjects of this research.


Delivering of health test and examination results before the intervention          Taking blood samples for further test





