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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

PECTIN COMPLEX is a unique natural substance that provides the necessary body cleansing at the cellular level. Possessing unique properties, PECTIN COMPLEX removes only toxic substances and bacteria, leaving the vitamin and minerals in the body unaffected.

Therefore, it is especially necessary in the period of active growth and development, when the most important systems of the body - the nervous, circulatory, digestive, etc. - are under special stress. PECTIN COMPLEX plays an important role in timely cleaning of all organs and systems of the body from toxic substances , the accumulation of which may cause disruption of the normal mental and physical development of the child.

!!! Doctors are shocked by the fact that atherosclerosis can be observed already in 9 year old patients. Most often this comes from excessive consumption of food oversaturated with trans fast. It is known that the atherosclerotic process begins at an early age, but daily consumption of a sufficient amount of pectin in the body of a child does not allow the "cholesterol plaques" to harden and they quickly dissolve. Also, the use of PECTIN COMPLEX is necessary for children living in cities with adverse environmental conditions and with increased mental stress and psycho-emotional stress.

Lack of pectin in the body and life in the conditions of an industrial polluted city greatly affects mental work: the child begins to cope poorly with the curriculum, becomes absent-minded and inattentive, poorly memorizes information in the classroom, gets more tired, etc.

PECTIN COMPLEX boosts immune protection and is indispensable in the autumn-winter period, as it increases the body's resistance to infections. Reception of pectin is indicated for children with various disorders of the central nervous system, namely, delayed speech development, increased excitability, fatigue, since often these health problems are symptoms of chronic lead intoxication of the child’s body. And also PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended for support treatment of diseases of the digestive system, liver, and respiratory organs.

Be healthy and vigorous with PECTIN COMPLEX!




