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PECTIN COMPLEX is leader in cleansing and natural healing of the body

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

     PECTIN COMPLEX in its composition combines 2 strong detoxifiers: sugar beet pectin and apple pectin, which are  enhanced with a powerful multivitamin complex. The product has a number of beneficial effects for health, youth and beauty:

• detoxification

• antioxidantion

• adaptogenic effect

• immunomodulatory effect


     The action of PECTIN COMPLEX is aimed at elimination of harmful substances and toxins from the body. Due to its properties to free the body from all unnecessary,PECTIN COMPLEX naturally renews the body at the cellular level, and has a beneficial effect on the normalization of the work of all organs and body systems.

Antioxidant effect

     PECTIN COMPLEX has a rejuvenating and toning effect, fights free radicals, those that cause premature aging, oxygenates tissues and inhibits the destruction of living cells. In this case, a positive effect is expressed in increasing the resistance to premature aging, preventing the occurrence of early age changes. Rejuvenation of the body occurs in conjunction with the improvement of the skin. While taking PECTIN COMPLEX, you will feel positive changes such as lightness and vigor in the body, you’ll obtain a rested and fresh look, radiance of the skin of the face.

Adaptogenic effect

     Acclimatization and adaptation of the organism to adverse conditions, climate change, geographic and time zones are improving. The body tolerates stressful conditions more easily. A person's state of health is much better with PECTIN COMPLEX than without his help.

Immunomodulatory effect

     PECTIN COMPLEX improves overall health and vigor, increases mental and physical performance, strengthens the body's natural defenses. Toxic components and pathogenic bacteria are quickly eliminated from the body, as a result, the work of all systems and organs is normalized, the immunity increases and the number and duration of diseases decreases.

     PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended for:

• body cleansing

• weight normalization

• recovery performance

• immunity strengthening

• rejuvenation of the body

• improve skin condition

• relieving hangover symptoms.


Normalization of body weight

     PECTIN COMPLEX activates the process of healthy weight loss. It excretes toxins and harmful substances from the body. Thanks to a strong multivitamin complex in the composition of the product, your body energy exchange is accelerated. To achieve better detoxification and weight loss results,  it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed and exercise.

     PECTIN COMPLEX is successfully used to improve performance and strengthen the immune system. Taking PECTIN COMPLEX makes you feel a surge of vitality and energy, feeling of chronic fatigue and drowsiness pass quickly.

     Among other things, PECTIN COMPLEX has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, and is also successfully used to improve skin condition.

     Due to its cleansing properties, PECTIN COMPLEX is indicated for relieving hangover. In a short while it eliminates decay products of alcohol, returning a person to a normal state within an hour after ingestion. If you use PECTIN COMPLEX before the party and immediately after, then you can warn of a hangover.


     PECTIN COMPLEX rejuvenates and heals the entire body, makes you feel a surge of vitality. For whatever purposes you use it, it starts working from the first day and has a prolonged effect.


     PECTIN COMPLEX is easy to use, made in the form of chewable tablets with a pleasant, closer to neutral taste and aroma. Duration of the course is 30 days. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment several times a year.

     4 reasons to use PECTIN COMPLEX:

1. Eliminates all known harmful substances and toxins from the body.

2. During the removal of toxins, vitamins and minerals in the body are preserved.

3. Safety is guaranteed by numerous studies and a multi-stage quality control system.

4. Innovative complex for the preservation of youth and beauty.

Be healthy and vigorous with PECTIN COMPLEX!





