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PECTIN COMPLEX was presented at the Annual Congress of Preventive Medicine Centers at the NIOEH

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment


On the 24th -25th of March 2016 at the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Vietnam was held the Annual Congress of Preventive Medicine Centers.

According to the plan of work for 2016, the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Vietnam continues to carry out activities aimed for improving the quality of services provided by the regional centers of preventive medicine. The Institute improves the coordination between medical institutions and their subdivisions in order to maximize the efficient use of resources, with the aim of providing high quality services to patients in the fields of health care, hygiene and environmental protection.


At this congress, several companies presented their products and developments in the field of preventive medicine: water filters, insect repellents, etc. Among all presented product at the Congress, the participants admitted a detox health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX for cleaning the body from heavy metals and other persistent organic pollutants, represented by Pectin Technology Co. Ltd - one of the leading strategic partners of the Institute of Occupational and environmental Health of Vietnam.

The main ingredient of PECTIN COMPLEX is sugar beet pectin, which promotes the elimination of heavy metals, pesticides and other toxic substances from the organism, prevents the development of environmentally-related diseases. Currently, detox health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX has significantly stronger detoxifying properties than other detox products on the Vietnamese market.


PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended by the decision of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 887 from 30/11/2009 for the use in the prophylaxis and treatment of the population of industrially developed regions of Ukraine.

In addition, the Ukrainian scientists of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine have clinically proved the ability of PECTIN COMPLEX to:

  • Normalize the level of  cholesterol in blood and  improve peripheral blood circulation
  • Regulate  functions of the digestive system
  • Have hepatoprotective and choleretic properties
  • Normalize carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
  • Strengthen the immune system.

PECTIN COMPLEX helps to prevent diseases related to environmental pollution. This product is safe for all family members, including pregnant women and children. 




