
PECTIN for prevention and support treatment of Cancer prevention

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

The results of scientific studies have proved the benefits of pectin for cancer prevention. The frequency of development of malignant tumors was significantly suppressed due to the ability of pectin to reduce the level of cholesterol, cleanse the body from toxin. Pectin regulates metabolism, improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver, and stimulates the process of hematopoiesis.

  • According to the research, pectin has a function to trigger apoptosis – self-destruction of cancer cells, improving the prognosis of recovery from cancer.
  • Japanese scientists have confirmed that pectin has an anti- metastatic effect. Gel-like consistency of pectin made ​it a valuable substance to carry anticancer drugs to their destination in the patient’s body, as well as to prevent further tumor metastasis. It was demonstrated that pectin rapidly formed into gel in the patient’s body and held the dissolved anticancer medicine at the location of the tumor for a considerably longer period of time than it happens without use of pectin. Furthermore, pectin prevents bonding of malignant cells, and in such way prevents their spread in the body with the bloodstream (metastasis). 
  • Radiation therapy may cause intestine bleeding in the abdomen. However, the use of pectin at the period of radiation therapy significantly reduces the risk of bleeding.
  • Pectin as an antioxidant and nontoxic immunomodulator is recommended by many oncologists.


