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Pregnancy pathologies linked to air pollution

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Air pollution inside and outside your home causes problems for you and your family. During pregnancy it increases your risk for premature birth.

What is air pollution?

Air pollution is harmful substances in the air that can affect breathing and harm your health. Air pollution can happen both inside and outside. It can get worse if there’s no breeze or wind or when it’s sunny and warm. Air pollution includes:

· Smoke from tobacco products and fires

· Asbestos, carbon monoxide, ozone and radon

· Chemicals and smoke from factories

· Dust, mold and pollen

· Fumes from paint and strong chemicals

Air pollution affects your eyes, throat and lungs. High levels of air pollution causes your eyes to burn, coughing and burning in the chest. These symptoms can be worse when you exercise or if you have asthma or other lung problems.

Can air pollution affect pregnancy and your baby?

Yes. Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy increases your risk of premature birth and low birthweight. Premature birth is birth that happens too soon, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Low birthweight is when a baby is born weighing less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces. Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy also highly increases your risk of stillbirth. Stillbirth is when a baby dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Your exposure to air pollution during pregnancy may affect your child’s health (especially breathing) and learning skills later in life.

If you’re worried about air pollution and how it can affect your pregnancy and your baby, talk to your doctor and start applying detox products to prevent intoxication of fetus.

Here is a list of some dangerous chemicals during pregnancy:


Asbestos is a mineral that can resist fire and heat. It is used to fireproof, soundproof and insulate homes, schools and other buildings. It also was used in floor tiles, roof shingles and car parts. Some homes still have asbestos in insulation used for pipes, stoves, walls and ceilings.

Breathing in high levels of asbestos over a long period of time can cause serious health problems, like lung cancer and a kind of cancer called mesothelioma.

Even if asbestos is in your home, it’s harmful if it becomes damaged and crumbly, so that its fibers get into the air.

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide (also called CO) is a poisonous gas that comes from things like stoves, water heaters, cigarette smoke and car exhaust. You can’t smell, taste or see it and it doesn’t irritate your skin. But if you’re exposed to it, it can kill you. People sometimes call it the silent killer.

Cleaning product fumes

Cleaning products include a lot of substances and chemicals, including solvents (that dissolve things), acids and fragrances. Some of these alone can be dangerous, and some become harmful when mixed together.

Here’s how to help prevent exposure to fumes from cleaning products:

· Don’t mix products. For example, don’t mix bleach and ammonia because it creates a harmful gas.

· Use cleaning products in places that have good air flow.

· Wear gloves.

· Use natural cleaners, like baking soda or vinegar.

· Look for the Design for the Environment (DfE) logo on products. These products contain the least-harmful cleaning chemicals.


Mold is a fungus that often looks like fuzzy spots of different colors, like green, gray or black. It spreads through tiny spores (cells) that float through the air. Mold can be inside or outside your home. If it grows inside, it may cause health problems for you and your family.

You may find mold in:

· The kitchen, basement and bathrooms

· Air conditioners and humidifiers

· Trash cans

· Mattresses

· Carpet

Breathing in or touching mold can make you and your future baby more likely to develop allergies, asthma and other health problems. Signs and symptoms of exposure to mold include:

· A stuffy or runny nose and sneezing

· Sore throat, coughing or wheezing

· Red or itchy eyes

· Skin rash

· Headaches

Here’s how to prevent mold in your home:

· Make sure your home gets good air flow, especially in the kitchen, laundry room and bathroom. Use fans or open a window to help keep air moving. Make sure the clothes dryer vents outside.

· If you see moisture on windows, walls or pipes, dry it quickly. Open windows or use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier to keep the air dry, especially in damp spaces like the basement.


Ozone is a gas that comes from car exhaust, gasoline and fumes from factories and chemicals. When ozone mixes with other pollution, it’s called smog. Smog is air pollution that reduces your ability to see. Ozone can be both inside and outside. Exposure to ozone during pregnancy can cause your baby to be born with low birthweight. It also may increase your risk of stillbirth.

Here’s what you can do when the AQI says there’s poor air quality in your area:

· Stay inside as much as possible and not exercise outside.

· Don’t walk near roads with a lot of traffic.

Paint fumes

Paint fumes are gases that come from paint. The fumes can be dangerous to you and your baby during pregnancy.

Exposure to any kind of paint (oil-based or water-based, also called latex) fume can cause:

· Headache

· Nausea

· Dizziness

· Fatigue (severe tiredness)

To help prevent exposure to paint fumes:

· If you’re pregnant, don’t use paint. Stay out of rooms that have recently been painted.

· Read the instructions on any paint before you use it.

· Open the doors and windows in any room that’s being painted or has recently been painted. Use a fan to keep the air moving in and out of the room for about 48 hours after painting.

· Don’t use paint that’s labeled “for exterior use only.” This is probably an oil-based paint and is more dangerous than latex paint.


Radon is a gas that can cause lung cancer. It comes from the breakdown of a metal called uranium in soil, rock and water. It also can be found in natural gas and building materials. You can’t see or smell radon. Breathing air with radon it in can cause lung cancer. Radon is the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking.

Many homes in this country have high levels of radon. It comes up from soil into homes through cracks and gaps in floors, walls and around pipes. It also may be in your water supply.

Tobacco smoke and secondhand smoke

Tobacco smoke comes from tobacco products, like cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco. Secondhand smoke is smoke from other people’s tobacco products. Any kind of smoke is harmful for you and your baby.

To help protect you, your baby and your family from tobacco and secondhand smoke:

· Stay away from places where people smoke.

· Don’t let people smoke in your home or car.

Even if you have a conscious attitude to pregnancy and childbirth, you still cannot prevent and avoid all environmental threats that surround you outdoors and indoors.

If you want to give a birth to a healthy baby you have to detoxify your body before pregnancy, taking reliable detox health products a couple months before pregnancy onset. Just remember, if your own body is contaminated, you will transmit these toxins to your fetus through placenta together with the nutrients. With very high probability it will cause pathologies of fetus development.

Doctors recommend to use premium, 100% natural Ukrainian detox health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX for a course of preventive cellular body detoxification before pregnancy onset and also as an effective product for reducing pregnancy toxicosis during the first months of pregnancy.

PECTIN COMPLEX contains only natural ingredients: highly purified, medical grade sugar beet pectin and apple pectin that are very effective natural detoxifiers and eliminate heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides, pesticides and other chemicals gently in a natural way. PECTIN COMPLEX eliminates only hazardous compounds from the body, and remains the content of vitamins and essential trace elements untouched.

PECTIN COMPLEX is officially recommended by the decree #887 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for pregnant women who live in polluted environment with the aim of prevention of obstetric complications during pregnancy.

PECTIN COMPLEX – power of natural detox!




