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Recommendations for the use of PECTIN COMPLEX

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Body intoxication, provoked by various poisons and toxins, threatens health and can provoke unpredictable consequences. Any type of poisoning requires medical assistance, but when quick help is required, doctors recommend using PECTIN COMPLEX. Maybe not everyone knows, but pectin is a strong natural sorbent, that effectively absorbs toxic substances from the body and eliminates  them without any harm to the body.


This is a health supplement made of sugar beet pectin and apple pectin, enriched with a powerful complex of essential vitamins. Produced in the form of chewable tablets, PECTIN COMPLEX, dissolving, has a mild enveloping effect on the walls of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal system, excluding possible irritation or damages, caused by gastric acid. The use of PECTIN COMPLEX  is an excellent prophylaxis of gastritis and ulcers.

PECTIN COMPLEX has the following properties:

  • Eliminates the symptoms of allergic reactions;
  • Facilitates intoxication, provoked by medicines, as well as food, alcohol and chemical  poisonings;
  • Eliminates the effects of helminthiosis.

PECTIN COMPLEX is not a medicine, it belongs to sorbents, which contribute to the recovery of the intestinal microflora, and does not have side effects and contraindications.


  • Medical grade , highly purified sugar beet  pectin  belongs to polysaccharides. Used in medical practice for cleaning the body of heavy metals; to activate metabolism, reduce cholesterol, improve the functioning of the intestinal system;
  • Medical grade , highly purified apple pectin is a component that positively affects the intestinal microflora; also contributes to the purification of the body, improves  the functioning of the liver and protects it.


Penetrating the organs of the digestive tract, PECTIN COMPLEX binds toxic compounds, metabolites and allergens, stopping their absorption into the circulatory system. PECTIN COMPLEX effectively eliminates:

  • bile acids;
  • radionuclides;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • bilirubin;
  • histamine and other harmful substances.

PECTIN COMPLEX promotes the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, accelerates the removal of intestinal waste. PECTIN COMPLEX  does not destroy useful microflora and does not provoke dysbiosis. Active ingredients of PECTIN COMPLEX  help to strengthen immunity, increase the resistance of the body, the absorption of calcium by the body, and also normalizes the work of the liver.

PECTIN COMPLEX has a general strengthening effect on the entire body and is often used for the prevention of various diseases, promotes proper metabolism and is often used as a natural antioxidant.

PECTIN COMPLEX prevents cancerous tumors, positively affects the heart, participating in metabolic processes. Being a powerful antioxidant, pectin reduces gassing in the intestines and eliminates constipation.

Recommendations for use PECTIN COMPLEX:

  • for pregnant women, especially who have pathology of pregnancy
  • for complex body cleaning
  • after the use of medicines and antibiotics;
  • for various types of  allergy;
  • for support  treatment of dysbiosis;
  • for  prevention of intoxication, as well as for the treatment of acute and chronic poisonings.

PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended for use by the following people:

  • residents of ecologically disadvantaged areas;
  • people living near industrial production, highways, thermal power plants;
  • employees of enterprises whose activities are associated with harmful working conditions;
  • employees of railways and drivers.




