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The risk of lead poisoning of industrial workers

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

As part of health screening and counseling for occupational lead poisoning, the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (NIOEH) has announced the results of a medical examination of 125 workers from Eni Ltd - Vietnam Folorence (ENIMA) company, Phu Khanh industrial zone, Yen Khanh - Ninh Binh province. On the 16th of January, doctors from NIOEH also had counseling and free delivering of health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX to workers that have elevated level of lead in blood.

Counseling meeting held by the NIOEH on prevention of lead intoxication for the employees of Eni Ltd (ENIMA)

Results of the blood tests for lead concentration of 125 workers who joined the program in December 2016, were announced by the Institute on the 16th of January. The blood test results revealed that 28.8% of workers had lead levels from 40 - 69.9 g / dL and 61.6% of workers had lead levels from 10 to 39.9 g / dL.

NIOEH is presenting a health detox PECTIN COMPLEX as natural solution for effective lead elimination for  industrial workers

Industrial workers, who have lead blood concentrations below 40 g/ dL are considered to have a mild lead poisoning, and there is no need to cure them with chemicals medications, but still they need to use natural lead detoxification measures to avoid long-term accumulation. If the level of lead in blood reaches 70 g / dL, and this state is accompanied by such symptoms as  nausea, a metallic taste in the mouth and some others,  it is necessary to use lead detoxification medications as directed by doctors. (The permissible  lead blood level allowed for people not working in unhealthy environment  is 10 µg/dL, for people who are exposed to the environment related to lead, should be  less than 20 µg/dL).

Employees of Eni Ltd are studying the information about the natural effective ways of lead elimination.

Although the abovementioned index is not alarming, with the advice from NIOEH, workers with level of lead in blood at the threshold of 40 µg/ dL were given for free PECTIN COMPLEX – a Ukrainian product which helps to eliminate heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body effectively.

PECTIN COMPLEX was recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to all residents to improve health after Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Besides, using PECTIN COMPLEX regulary also helps to protect and improve digestive system functions, strengthen the immune system and prevent toxic heavy metal intoxication. This product has a natural origin, extracted from sugar beets and apples.

MSc. Dr. Lo Van Tung from NIOEH is counseling the employees of Eni Ltd (ENIMA) on prevention of lead intoxication

After  significant health improvement of  Dong Mai villagers due to the intake of PECTIN COMPLEX, who were diagnosed lead intoxication before, PECTIN COMPLEX has been trusted by NIOEH to help workers in ENIMA to detox their body, to protect health from occupational diseases.

MSc. Dr. Lo Van Tung from NIOEH said, that such communication sessions about lead poisoning prevention, significantly  help workers  to improve their knowledge how to ensure safety in production and to be aware how  to protect their health by themselves, especially  workers exposed to the risk of lead intoxication.

(SM Magazine)






