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The use of PECTIN COMPEX in Vietnam is described in European scientific magazine

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

The use of a detox health supplement PECTIN COMPEX in Vietnam was recently described in s scientific magazine published in October 2018 by State Institution “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of National Sciences of Ukraine”. The article is called:”Acute issues of modern elementology.”

                    Lead intoxication prevention

                       (International cooperation)


I.M. Trakhtenberg1, V.F. Demchenko1, C.P. Lugovskyi1, P.I. Demchenko2, Yu.V. Lyuta3

1State Institution “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of National Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv city, Ukraine. E-mail:

2 “Technologica” Scientific-Production Enterprise Limited Liability company ”, Kyiv city, Ukraine.

3 WIT PHARMA Co. Ltd., Hanoi, Vietnam. E-mail:

Lead and its compounds is one of the most dangerous risk factor for the health of employees of plants and factories, and due to industrial environmental pollution in territories where these plants are located, the health of local population is seriously endangered as well.

     The Institute of Labor Medicine (Ukraine), which has for a long time effectively cooperated with international health organizations (WHO) and international Labor health organizations (ILO), participates in projects of the International Chemical Safety Program (UNESCO Chemicals, UN), has gained world-wide experience not only on comprehensive assessment of working conditions in various industries ( manufacturing industry, agriculture, etc.), but also on the means of prevention of professionally and environmentally-defined diseases, chronic and acute poisonings.

     In late eighties, with the aim of protection and support treatment of the liquidators of  Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and local population, pectin was proposed (by ac.Thachtenbegr I.M.) and introduced into practical application. Pectin due to its  unique structural features that  determine its ability to bind and remove from the body not only radioactive substances, but also heavy metals, in particular lead. This property of pectin was immensely important starting from the first days after the accident in conditions of severe pollution of the environment with lead compounds, which was used to extinguish fire on the reactor.

     Subsequently, urgently right after  Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion, on the task of The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health together with Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and LLC Sum of Technologies (now "Technologica" Scientific-Production Enterprise Limited Liability Company) developed a unique formula pectin health supplement, organized its manufacturing process and gained a scientific evidence base of the effectiveness of this health supplement, established scientific and methodological recommendations for its application.

     Based on the data about the effectiveness of this enterosorbent of natural origin, has been carried out individual bioprophylaxis among employees working at plants and factories with unhealthy working conditions (battery recycling plants and others), who are exposed to lead and its compounds, also pectin health supplement was given to high-risk contingents (children, pregnant women, etc.) living in conditions of environmental problems.

     Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health solves the scientific aspects of developing and evaluating new pectin based enterosorbents that are being developed and manufactured by Technologica Scientific-Production Enterprise Limited Liability Company within the framework of the European Program Horizont 2020. This Program is organized by general chairmanship of the University of Alicante (Spain).

     In 2016 at the initiative of the National Institute of Professional Health and Environment of SRV "(Director - Dr. Doang Ngoc Hai), State Institution" Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of National Sciences of Ukraine" signed an agreement on cooperation on the topic of "Harmonization of criteria Assessment of labor conditions at work and in the environmental", in which the Ukrainian side provided scientific and methodological support,  and then by WIT PHARMA Co. Ltd (Vietnam) was introduced a program of support treatment of lead intoxication with the use of a detox health supplement  PECTIN COMPEX, manufactured by Technologica Scientific-Production Enterprise Limited Liability Company (Ukraine). The aim of this program was prevention and support treatment of lead intoxication in workers of  battery  recycling plants and among children living in adjacent areas. The results of this program demonstrated the high efficiency of the use of PECTIN COMPEX for the removal of lead from the body of adults and children that is to prevent lead intoxication.






