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24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

Vietnam is a dynamically economically and industrially developing country. But as a result of an audit carried out by the National Center of Vietnam for Socio-Economic Information and Forecasting (NCIF), 80% of industrial enterprises in the country identified environmental disruption, according to the General Statistical Bureau.

The agency added that enterprises with foreign capital accounted for 60 percent of waste, the discharge of which exceeds the environmental standards of Vietnam.

The World Health Organization reported that about 44,000 Vietnamese die prematurely every year due to air pollution.

Vietnam is among the 25 countries that annually emit the largest amount of greenhouse gases.

The country was ranked 23rd out of 193 countries included in the Climate Change Vulnerability Index published by Maplecroft London.

Vietnam was included in the list of 30 countries in the categories with “extreme environmental risk” rating.

Toxicologists say that people who live in large and industrial cities are constantly at risk of developing chronic intoxication with heavy metals and other toxic substances that are extremely harmful to health. Chronic intoxication is a process when harmful substances constantly enter the body in small quantities, accumulating in body tissues and internal organs, causing various health problems, including the development of oncological diseases.

In this case, in order to preserve the health of the population of Vietnam, the need for timely cleaning of the body of all pollutants that inevitably  daily enter the body from the environment and poison the body, is extremely urgent.

An effective and natural remedy for complex cleansing of the body at the cellular level is the Ukrainian health supplement  PECTIN COMPLEX. It has been scientifically proven by Vietnamese and Ukrainian doctors that this product  effectively eliminates  heavy metals, formaldehydes, nitrates, pesticides, radionuclides and other chemicals from the body in a natural way. An important advantage of PECTIN COMPLEX is that it eliminating toxins, does not affect  the vitamins and trace elements useful for the body.

Take care of your health and the health of your children!

Be healthy and vigorous with PECTIN COMPLEX!




