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What do experts say about PECTIN COMPLEX?

24/04/2020 PECTIN COMPLEX 0 Comment

1. Profossor  Trakhtenberg Isaak Mikhailovich ,

The Head of the Department of Industrial Toxicology and Hygiene in the Institute of Occupational Medicine named after Yu.I. Kundiev

National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Correspondent member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Medical Sciences.

“Using PECTIN COMPLEX  is an effective and at the same time simple method. PECTIN COMPLEX today is considered as one of the most promising potential remedies for the elimination of heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants from the human body. On the basis of complex clinical and hygienic studies PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended for use for various population groups, especially those who work in harmful conditions and people, exposed to radionuclides, heavy metals and pesticides.”

2. Doctor of Medical Sciences Beletskaya Eleonora Nikolaevna,


Head of the Department of General Hygiene,                                     

State University "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy

Ministry of Health of Ukraine"

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine

“In order to prevent the ecologically dependent pathology in children, a course of supporting treatment was conducted with the use of a health supplement Pectin Complex for 2572 children of 4-6 years old. The results of comprehensive examination of children confirm that the course of application of PECTIN COMPLEX had a positive effect on children's health indicators: the lead content in blood decreased by 1.5 times while enhancing renal elimination. In 91% of the examined children, psychophysiological testing indicators improved. Consequently, systematic use of PECTIN COMPLEX is recommended for children and adults living in industrially polluted areas, because PECTIN COMPEX contributes to increasing the resistance of the body to chronic and acute intoxications and strengthening of health.”

3. Candidate of Medical Sciences Golovkova Tatyana Arkadievna ,

Associate Professor

in the Department of General Hygiene,

State University "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy

Ministry of Health of Ukraine "

“The use of PECTI COMPLEX contributed to the reduction of lead and cadmium in the blood while enhancing their renal elimination, as well as restoring the metabolism of microelements in the body of pregnant women.

As PECTIN COMPLEX   is a safe product and does not have any contraindications, preventive use of it helps to prevent reproductive complications in women, reduce morbidity and improve the health of the population, which is especially important and necessary for residents of industrial areas.”

4. Doctor of Medical Science Irina Anatolyevna Zhabchenko,

Professor at the Institute of Family Planning, Deputy Director of Research, Researcher at the Institute of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences

“Doctors analyzed the state of 1300 women such cities as Kiev and Poltava. The first blood test was done on the day of pregnancy registration. Then we conducted a course of application of a health supplement PECTIN COMPLEX in order to reduce the negative impact of heavy metals and pesticides on mother and the fetus. The second survey was done on the third-fourth day after childbirth .We found that PECTIN COMPLEX  helps to  reduce blood contamination by 25–40% .The risk of complications and prenatal losses is reduced by the same amount.”

5. Associate Professor  Doctor Doan Ngoc Hai,

 Head of the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Vietnam

"For detoxifying lead and heavy metals, PECTIN COMPLEX is the first product  imported  from Ukraine. Together with WIT Pharma Limited Company, we took a lot of effort to bring this health supplement to Vietnam so that people can benefit from it. "

6. Major General, Doctor, Meritorious Doctor  Pham Ba Tuyen,

 Director of Traditional Medicine Hospital, Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam

"Due to its ability to excrete toxins, especially heavy metals, is very important in the prevention and support treatment. Using  PECTIN COMPLEX has been effectively proven to support the treatment of non-communicable diseases for patients at the hospital, such as: supporting treatment on  early stages  and helping to prevent obesity, diabetes, supporting and improving liver and kidney functions, helping to protect the digestive system from negative effects of toxins and pathogens, which helps to stimulate metabolism, enhances the body's resistance to various types of infections and viruses, improves digestive and cardiovascular systems."




