News and articles

WHO: consumption of sausages and processed meat causes cancer

Health care specialists all around the world are seriously concerned by the issue of adverse health effect of very popular...
24/ 04/ 2020

5 Best ways to restore your health

The world is full of opportunities.  We want to try everything and manage to do as much as possible. We...
24/ 04/ 2020

World Health Day 2016: Beat Diabetes!

The epidemic of diabetes is growing rapidly in many countries, with particularly sharp growth in low- and middle-income countries. But diabetes...
24/ 04/ 2020

3 potentially toxic elements in your cup of tea

When your family daily drink delicious tea, you may even not suspect of the hazard to be poisoned by 3...
24/ 04/ 2020

PECTIN COMPLEX was presented at the Annual Congress of Preventive Medicine Centers at the NIOEH

  On the 24th -25th of March 2016 at the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health of Vietnam was held the Annual Congress...
24/ 04/ 2020

Body cleanse tips for beginners

Often feeling tired or irritated? Struggling with skin or digestive problems? Can't seem to lose weight? It might be time for...
24/ 04/ 2020

