News and articles

PECTIN COMPLEX for support treatment of lead poisoning of children in Thai Nguyen and Bac Kan provinces

Performing the scientific and technological task on the State-level "Research on lead poisoning situation of children in Vietnam and the...
24/ 04/ 2020

The risk of lead poisoning of industrial workers

As part of health screening and counseling for occupational lead poisoning, the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (NIOEH)...
24/ 04/ 2020

Dioxin poisoning

Environment in Vietnam is still recovering from the damage caused by the hostilities in  the1970s, with the participation of US troops. 80 million...
24/ 04/ 2020

Mercury poisoning

It is scientifically proven that mercury causes breakage of chromosomes and serious violations of cell division. Women who have suffered...
24/ 04/ 2020

Lead poisoning

• Lead is a toxic substance which accumulates in the body and affects different organs and systems and is especially...
24/ 04/ 2020

Unhealthy working environment

Many people work in the unhealthy working conditions often even without realizing that their health and life is adversely affected. The...
24/ 04/ 2020

